Cornhole Accessories Every Player Should Have

The popularity of cornhole has skyrocketed over the past few years, and for good reason. It’s a great game that everyone can play, and anyone can win. Cornhole accessories are a great way to add fun and possibly a competitive edge to your cornhole game while bringing new life to your favorite sport. While you can play with the basics, cornhole boards, and cornhole bags, here are some of the best cornhole accessories for you to consider.
Have you ever played against someone while both of you are partaking in adult beverages, trying to do the math and keep score? Most of the time it doesn't end well...and if you are anything like myself & Brandon, then it can end in either restarting the game or rocks, paper, scissors to see who's version of the score is true. Save yourself the hassle with investing in a score tower that keeps track of the score as the game progresses. No more arguing over who right (for the record, its me...I'm right 😎).

Airmail Box
You know those players who can sink airmails like it's no big deal? Most likely they practice that shot. A lot. Since the airmail box is a compact version of the cornhole board hole which forces you to aim only for the hole since there is no board to slide up. The airmail box is the perfect training accessory to sharpen your airmail skills.

Placing pitch pads under your cornhole boards helps protect your bags from rougher playing surfaces that could shorten the life of your cornhole bags. Pitch Pads also help with staying in player pitch boxes with highlighted lanes and placement for your boards.
Sweat and moisture from your hands gets on your bags and boards which can affect game play. With breathable material, patented 3 finger design, adjustable wrist closure, and smooth gliding surface you will maintain control, feel, and accuracy for your throwing hand while keeping moisture off your bags.

Lugging around multiple sets of cornhole bags can be a pain. Cornhole backpacks that are specifically designed to keep your bags in place and organized can make travel a bit easier while playing cornhole on the go. If you want to read about all the benefits of having a cornhole backpack, check out our previous post!
With these cornhole accessories added to your cornhole game you can avoid scoring debates, make your shots feel easier, and extend the life of your equipment. It doesn't matter if you are just starting out or a professional cornhole player. These are the things you can put on your arsenal and use throughout your cornhole playing career.